Root Canal in Mississauga

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Root canals aren’t the terrible procedure they are made out to be. Root canals in Mississauga, ON, are highly routine. Our professional, highly-trained dentists can perform a root canal with only minor discomfort. Root canals are necessary in cases where infection has reached the tooth’s pulp, or roots. 
Endodontal Root Canal Treatment Clinic Mississauga

What Is a Root Canal?

Root canals aren't the terrible procedure they are made out to be. Root canals in Mississauga, ON, are highly routine. Our professional, highly-trained dentists can perform a root canal with only minor discomfort. Root canals are necessary in cases where infection has reached the tooth's pulp, or roots. 

The dentist then cleans and disinfects the area of all infection, and fills it with a safe material to prevent re-infection. The procedure ends when a crown is placed over the tooth to prevent further damage and re-infection. 

Placing the crown may involve a second appointment as they are custom-made for your tooth. If so, the dentist will install a temporary crown to protect the tooth until you get your permanent crown. 

What Can I Expect After a Root Canal?

Those who get a root canal can expect some minor discomfort after the local anesthetic wears off. Over-the-counter painkillers usually take care of that but the dentist may prescribe you pain medication also. 

The dentist may also prescribe an antibiotic to prevent the area from getting another infection while it’s healing. 

You will need to eat soft foods for a couple of days. Try not to use that area for chewing and stay away from foods like hard candy and popcorn until you get your permanent crown. Temporary crowns aren’t as durable as permanent ones so you will need to be careful with your diet while you have them. 

Root Canal Treatment in Mississauga

Root Canals Can be Prevented

One important note is that root canals become the recommendation after a cavity has been unaddressed for a while. The cavity starts on the tooth and creates a pit. The erosion continues down to the pulp, where it then becomes infected. 

Dealing with cavities earlier in the formation process can help avoid a root canal. That means seeing your dentist twice a year for an exam and getting X-rays once a year. It also means maintaining a good oral hygiene routine. 

Those with tooth pain, swelling, or constant irritation should make an appointment to see a dentist in Mississauga, ON. Going to a dentist as soon as you feel pain may help you avoid getting a root canal and will also help you save your tooth!

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