
Tooth Extraction Pain: How Much Does it Hurt to Have Teeth Extracted?

tooth extraction mississauga

Are you planning on having teeth extracted soon? If you are, you might be a little worried about the tooth extraction pain you’ll feel after the procedure.

We’re not going to lie to you: there’s no way to get around experiencing some pain. But there are things you can do to decrease your pain and heal faster. We’re going to give you the lowdown so you can feel confident about your procedure. Let’s get into it.

The Two Types of Tooth Extractions

Tooth extraction is a last resort when a tooth has decayed beyond saving. Extraction is typically needed for a deep cavity or broken tooth. However, sometimes cavities can be treated with a root canal instead of an extraction.

There are two types of tooth extractions: simple extractions and surgical extractions. Surgical extractions are always used for wisdom teeth.

Whether you need a simple or surgical extraction depends on the severity and complexity of your case. If your tooth is fully exposed above the gum line, you’ll like only need a simple extraction. However, if the tooth is impacted or broken, a surgical extraction is needed to move the gum out of the way.

You will experience some post-procedure pain with both options, but surgical extractions require more downtime for recovery and pain management. You will also have more swelling with a surgical extraction.

Simple tooth extraction is done while you’re awake, but you can request nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, to calm any nerves. Your tooth will be numbed with local anesthesia so you won’t feel the extraction.

For surgical tooth extraction, on the other hand, you will go under anesthesia and will need a ride home after you wake up. You will feel no pain during the procedure with either option thanks to anesthesia.

What to Expect for Pain After Tooth Extraction

You will experience pain, swelling, and bleeding after both simple and surgical tooth extractions. However, pain from surgical extraction is more intense.

The bleeding will stop a few hours after the procedure, and you will have gauze on the area to bite down on. You’ll be sent home with after-care instructions from your dentist, along with fresh gauze to swap out when you get home.

The pain will set in a few hours after your procedure when the sedation wears off, and it will feel like intense soreness. You may feel it in your mouth and around your jaw.

However, you can manage the pain with several effective at-home methods. The first method is to get ahead of it by taking painkillers on the day of the extraction.

Tooth Extraction Pain Relief Medication Options

You can take medication for the pain, but you should avoid aspirin since it’s a blood thinner and will cause more bleeding. If your dentist recommends taking an over-the-counter medication, stick with ibuprofen.

You can take 400-800 milligrams of ibuprofen a few times a day based on your dentist’s recommendation. Just be sure that you don’t take more than the recommended amount since it can also cause more bleeding when you take too much.

Your dentist may prescribe a stronger medication if needed. It’s rare that you would need opioids, but if your dentist does prescribe them, take very small amounts since they are extremely addictive.

Again, you can get ahead of the pain by taking medication before your sedation wears off and the pain really sets in.

Other Pain Relief Methods

You can also keep a cold compress on your face to reduce pain and swelling. This will also help with any TMJ or jaw pain after tooth extraction that you may feel.

You should also keep your head elevated for a few days to avoid throbbing. Use an extra pillow when you sleep to avoid lying flat.

A saltwater rinse will also help you heal faster and soothe pain at the site of extraction. However, you should wait until after the first 24 hours to do them. Simply mix a teaspoon of salt into warm water and gently swish it around in your mouth for 30 seconds and let it dribble out.

You should also only eat soft foods for 2-3 days after the procedure, and try to stick to foods that are cold or just slightly warm. Smoothies, mashed potatoes, and oatmeal are great options.

What to Avoid After Tooth Extractions

The last thing you want to do after your procedure is something that prolongs your healing or causes more pain, so avoid these things:

  • Spicy foods
  • Foods hot in temperature
  • Sugary foods
  • Drinking from straws
  • Smoking
  • Spitting
  • Touching the extraction site
  • Brushing or flossing for the first 24 hours

Any of these things can lead to a dry socket, which is extremely painful and takes more time to recover from.

Tooth Extraction Recovery Times

For simple tooth extraction, you will need 2-3 days to recover. After that, you should stop feeling pain, but it will take up to three weeks for the extraction site to completely heal.

For surgical tooth extraction, you will need 7-10 days to recover. It will take up to six months for the extraction site to completely heal.

If you experience prolonged pain after tooth extraction for more than 3 days, contact your dentist.

Tooth Extraction at Limelight Dental

If you need a great dentist to perform your tooth extraction in Mississauga, Ontario, Limelight Dental is here for you.

Our highly trained and skilled dentists we’ll walk you through the whole process. They will determine whether you need a simple or surgical extraction. They will also guide you through the aftercare process and monitor your healing. They’ll provide you with proven tooth extraction pain relief options so you can get back to your life quickly.

Click here to contact us or make an appointment today.

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